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Flameproof Electrical Equipment

Vedee Associates are engaged in supplying a wide range of optimum quality flameproof products. In this range, we have cable gland, plug and reducer. These are utilized for protecting electrical enclosures and components from the dust as well as moisture. In addition to this, the said products also earth provide continuity from termination. These are highly reliable, easy to install, and sturdy in construction. Flameproof products are demanded in the market for their maximum efficiency, longer functional life, anti-corrosive nature and seamless finishing. These are mostly used for plumbing applications in industrial sectors. Accessible in different sizes, shapes and dimensions. 
We are here to introduce a large variety of superior quality flameproof fans which include exhaust and wall mounted fan. Installing these in your house saves space as these are mounted on the walls. Our offered products are used for circulating air conditioning inside the room. In addition to this, the said devices are also great for providing ventilation and reducing indoor humidity. Flameproof fans consume less energy as compared to traditional fans. These are also installed inside the bathroom for eliminating moisture as well as odour. Mostly mounted on the ceilings and offer good flow of air and high performance efficiency. 
Our firm is engaged in offering different varieties of supreme qualities flameproof junction boxes that are 4 way and weatherproof. These are designed for providing protection to wires that are carrying electrical current. In addition to this, the said devices are eminent in maintaining reliable as well as solid connections. These are also appreciated in the market for preventing fires. Flameproof junction boxes have anti-abrasive in nature, robust in construction and highly efficient. Can be availed in different specifications and finishing. These are acclaimed for their maximum longevity, high strength, dimensional accuracy, compactness, easy installation and hassle free functioning. 
You can get various types of optimum quality flameproof panels here at Vedee Associates. These are ideal during excessive current flow in the circuit for disconnecting the circuit. The said devices consist of circuit breaker or fuses, motor starter, and power disconnect. All the mentioned components are highly efficient and durable. Flameproof panels keep the electrical load from exceeding its capacity. These are equipped with magnetic contactor which is fabricated for stopping as well as starting motor. Our equipments have numerous properties which include abrasion resistance, low maintenance, smooth functioning and less energy consumption. These are acknowledged among the customers for maximum reliability. 
Get these highly eminent top notch quality flameproof plug and sockets. These are fabricated in a compact structure which makes both installation and maintenance convenient. Our provided equipments allows current to flow in electrical appliances and components. In addition to this, the said products are mounted for performing electrical functions. These are applicable for bulb, fan, and several other electrical devices. Flameproof plug and sockets are also capable of breaking the connectivity of electrical flow. These are portable and highly efficient in their jobs due to which these are widely popular. Find their applications in homes, hotels, schools, industries, hospitals, eateries and many other places.